21 May 2010

May 21

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Old Testament

King Achish of Gath reluctantly tells David to go home because the other Philistine rulers fear David and his men might turn on them. They are probably right.

David returns home to find out that his town has been raided. How's it feel to be the other side of the raid? At least the raiders removed the people from the city before burning it to the ground. They are more civilized than David and his band. David, of course, chases after the men and slaughters most of them, winning back all the people that were captured as well as a nice stash of livestock as well.

Saul's sons die in battle. He is injured and kills himself when his armor bearer refuses to kill him.

New Testament

Jesus is going into Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. That means we are getting near to the end of his life. This is kind of surprising considering how little Jesus as presented in John has done beyond blathering about how he is great and people who do not believe in him are terrible.

We also see that the author of John really did not like Judas. None of the gospel authors presented Judas in a good light, but the author of John goes out of his way to present him in a negative light.
But Judas Iscariot, the disciple who would soon betray him, said, “That perfume was worth a year’s wages.[c] It should have been sold and the money given to the poor.” Not that he cared for the poor—he was a thief, and since he was in charge of the disciples’ money, he often stole some for himself.
Why not throw in a "P.S. he likes to kick puppies." while we're at it.

Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, and this supposedly fulfills some prophecy. Let's accept for the moment that the event happened as described and that the passage quoted was meant as a prophecy. Still, how many people rode into Jerusalem each day? How many of them were on donkeys? I am guessing enough to make this so-called prophecy hopelessly imprecise.

Psalms and Proverbs

Nothing of particular note.

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